2018年AIME II真题及答案

2018年AIME II真题:

Problem 1

Points $A$$B$, and $C$ lie in that order along a straight path where the distance from $A$ to $C$ is $1800$ meters. Ina runs twice as fast as Eve, and Paul runs twice as fast as Ina. The three runners start running at the same time with Ina starting at $A$ and running toward $C$, Paul starting at $B$ and running toward $C$, and Eve starting at $C$ and running toward $A$. When Paul meets Eve, he turns around and runs toward $A$. Paul and Ina both arrive at $B$ at the same time. Find the number of meters from $A$ to $B$.

Problem 2

Let $a_{0} = 2$$a_{1} = 5$, and $a_{2} = 8$, and for $n > 2$ define $a_{n}$ recursively to be the remainder when $4(a_{n-1} + a_{n-2} + a_{n-3})$ is divided by $11$. Find $a_{2018} \cdot a_{2020} \cdot a_{2022}$.

Problem 3

Find the sum of all positive integers $b < 1000$ such that the base-$b$ integer $36_{b}$ is a perfect square and the base-$b$ integer $27_{b}$ is a perfect cube.

Problem 4

In equiangular octagon $CAROLINE$$CA = RO = LI = NE =$ $\sqrt{2}$ and $AR = OL = IN = EC = 1$. The self-intersecting octagon $CORNELIA$ enclosed six non-overlapping triangular regions. Let $K$ be the area enclosed by $CORNELIA$, that is, the total area of the six triangular regions. Then $K = \frac{a}{b}$, where $a$ and $b$ are relatively prime positive integers. Find $a + b$.

Problem 5

Suppose that $x$$y$, and $z$ are complex numbers such that $xy = -80 - 320i$$yz = 60$, and $zx = -96 + 24i$, where $i$ $=$ $\sqrt{-1}$. Then there are real numbers $a$ and $b$ such that $x + y + z = a + bi$. Find $a^2 + b^2$.

Problem 6

A real number $a$ is chosen randomly and uniformly from the interval $[-20, 18]$. The probability that the roots of the polynomial

\[x^4 + 2ax^3 + (2a - 2)x^2 + (-4a + 3)x - 2\]

are all real can be written in the form $\dfrac{m}{n}$, where $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime positive integers. Find $m + n$.

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