2015年AMC 12B 真题:
Problem 1
What is the value of ?
Problem 2
Marie does three equally time-consuming tasks in a row without taking breaks. She begins the first task at 1:00 PM and finishes the second task at 2:40 PM. When does she finish the third task?
Problem 3
Isaac has written down one integer two times and another integer three times. The sum of the five numbers is 100, and one of the numbers is 28. What is the other number?
Problem 4
David, Hikmet, Jack, Marta, Rand, and Todd were in a 12-person race with 6 other people. Rand finished 6 places ahead of Hikmet. Marta finished 1 place behind Jack. David finished 2 places behind Hikmet. Jack finished 2 places behind Todd. Todd finished 1 place behind Rand. Marta finished in 6th place. Who finished in 8th place?
Problem 5
The Tigers beat the Sharks 2 out of the 3 times they played. They then played more times, and the Sharks ended up winning at least 95% of all the games played. What is the minimum possible value for
Problem 6
Back in 1930, Tillie had to memorize her multiplication facts from to
. The multiplication table she was given had rows and columns labeled with the factors, and the products formed the body of the table. To the nearest hundredth, what fraction of the numbers in the body of the table are odd?
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