2011年AIME I 真题及答案

2011年AIME I 真题:

Problem 1

Jar $A$ contains four liters of a solution that is $45\%$ acid. Jar $B$ contains five liters of a solution that is $48\%$ acid. Jar $C$ contains one liter of a solution that is $k\%$ acid. From jar $C$$\frac{m}{n}$ liters of the solution is added to jar $A$, and the remainder of the solution in jar $C$ is added to jar B. At the end both jar $A$ and jar $B$ contain solutions that are $50\%$ acid. Given that $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime positive integers, find $k + m + n$.

Problem 2

In rectangle $ABCD$$AB = 12$ and $BC = 10$. Points $E$ and $F$ lie inside rectangle $ABCD$ so that $BE = 9$$DF = 8$$\overline{BE} \parallel \overline{DF}$$\overline{EF} \parallel \overline{AB}$, and line $BE$ intersects segment $\overline{AD}$. The length $EF$ can be expressed in the form $m \sqrt{n} - p$, where $m$$n$, and $p$ are positive integers and $n$ is not divisible by the square of any prime. Find $m + n + p$.

Problem 3

Let $L$ be the line with slope $\frac{5}{12}$ that contains the point $A = (24,-1)$, and let $M$ be the line perpendicular to line $L$ that contains the point $B = (5,6)$. The original coordinate axes are erased, and line $L$ is made the $x$-axis and line $M$ the $y$-axis. In the new coordinate system, point $A$ is on the positive $x$-axis, and point $B$ is on the positive $y$-axis. The point $P$ with coordinates $(-14,27)$ in the original system has coordinates $(\alpha,\beta)$ in the new coordinate system. Find $\alpha + \beta$.

Problem 4

In triangle $ABC$$AB = 125$$AC = 117$, and $BC = 120$. The angle bisector of angle $A$ intersects $\overline{BC}$ at point $L$, and the angle bisector of angle $B$ intersects $\overline{AC}$ at point $K$. Let $M$ and $N$ be the feet of the perpendiculars from $C$ to $\overline{BK}$ and $\overline{AL}$, respectively. Find $MN$.

Problem 5

The vertices of a regular nonagon (9-sided polygon) are to be labeled with the digits 1 through 9 in such a way that the sum of the numbers on every three consecutive vertices is a multiple of 3. Two acceptable arrangements are considered to be indistinguishable if one can be obtained from the other by rotating the nonagon in the plane. Find the number of distinguishable acceptable arrangements.

Problem 6

Suppose that a parabola has vertex $\left(\frac{1}{4},-\frac{9}{8}\right)$ and equation $y = ax^2 + bx + c$, where $a > 0$ and $a + b + c$ is an integer. The minimum possible value of $a$ can be written in the form $\frac{p}{q}$, where $p$ and $q$ are relatively prime positive integers. Find $p + q$.


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