1999年AMC8 真题及答案

1999年AMC 8 真题:

Problem 1

$(6?3) + 4 - (2 - 1) = 5$ To make this statement true, the question mark between the 6 and the 3 should be replaced by

$\text{(A)} \div \qquad \text{(B)}\ \times \qquad \text{(C)} + \qquad \text{(D)}\ - \qquad \text{(E)}\ \text{None of these}$

Problem 2

What is the degree measure of the smaller angle formed by the hands of a clock at 10 o clock?

[asy] draw(circle((0,0),2)); dot((0,0)); for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { dot(2*dir(30*i)); }  label("$3$",2*dir(0),W); label("$2$",2*dir(30),WSW); label("$1$",2*dir(60),SSW); label("$12$",2*dir(90),S); label("$11$",2*dir(120),SSE); label("$10$",2*dir(150),ESE); label("$9$",2*dir(180),E); label("$8$",2*dir(210),ENE); label("$7$",2*dir(240),NNE); label("$6$",2*dir(270),N); label("$5$",2*dir(300),NNW); label("$4$",2*dir(330),WNW); [/asy]

$\text{(A)}\ 30 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 45 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 60 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 75 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 90$

Problem 3

Which triplet of numbers has a sum NOT equal to 1?

$\text{(A)}\ (1/2,1/3,1/6) \qquad \text{(B)}\ (2,-2,1) \qquad \text{(C)}\ (0.1,0.3,0.6) \qquad \text{(D)}\ (1.1,-2.1,1.0) \qquad \text{(E)}\ (-3/2,-5/2,5)$

Problem 4

The diagram shows the miles traveled by bikers Alberto and Bjorn. After four hours, about how many more miles has Alberto biked than Bjorn?

[asy] for (int a = 0; a < 6; ++a) { for (int b = 0; b < 6; ++b) { dot((4*a,3*b)); } } draw((0,0)--(20,0)--(20,15)--(0,15)--cycle); draw((0,0)--(16,12)); draw((0,0)--(16,9));  label(rotate(30)*"Bjorn",(12,6.75),SE); label(rotate(37)*"Alberto",(11,8.25),NW);  label("$0$",(0,0),S); label("$1$",(4,0),S); label("$2$",(8,0),S); label("$3$",(12,0),S); label("$4$",(16,0),S); label("$5$",(20,0),S); label("$0$",(0,0),W); label("$15$",(0,3),W); label("$30$",(0,6),W); label("$45$",(0,9),W); label("$60$",(0,12),W); label("$75$",(0,15),W);  label("H",(6,-2),S); label("O",(8,-2),S); label("U",(10,-2),S); label("R",(12,-2),S); label("S",(14,-2),S);  label("M",(-4,11),N); label("I",(-4,9),N); label("L",(-4,7),N); label("E",(-4,5),N); label("S",(-4,3),N); [/asy]

$\text{(A)}\ 15 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 20 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 25 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 30 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 35$

Problem 5

A rectangular garden 60 feet long and 20 feet wide is enclosed by a fence. To make the garden larger, while using the same fence, its shape is changed to a square. By how many square feet does this enlarge the garden?

$\text{(A)}\ 100 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 200 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 300 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 400 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 500$

Problem 6

Bo, Coe, Flo, Joe, and Moe have different amounts of money. Neither Joe nor Bo has as much money as Flo. Both Bo and Coe have more than Moe. Joe has more than Moe, but less than Bo. Who has the least amount of money?

$\text{(A)}\ \text{Bo} \qquad \text{(B)}\ \text{Coe} \qquad \text{(C)}\ \text{Flo} \qquad \text{(D)}\ \text{Joe} \qquad \text{(E)}\ \text{Moe}$

Problem 7

The third exit on a highway is located at milepost 40 and the tenth exit is at milepost 160. There is a service center on the highway located three-fourths of the way from the third exit to the tenth exit. At what milepost would you expect to find this service center?

$\text{(A)}\ 90 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 100 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 110 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 120 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 130$


