1995年AJHSME 真题及答案

1995年AJHSME 真题:

Problem 1

Walter has exactly one penny, one nickel, one dime and one quarter in his pocket. What percent of one dollar is in his pocket?

$\text{(A)}\ 4\% \qquad \text{(B)}\ 25\% \qquad \text{(C)}\ 40\% \qquad \text{(D)}\ 41\% \qquad \text{(E)}\ 59\%$

Problem 2

Jose is $4$ years younger than Zack. Zack is $3$ years older than Inez. Inez is $15$ years old. How old is Jose?

$\text{(A)}\ 8 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 11 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 14 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 16 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 22$

Problem 3

Which of the following operations has the same effect on a number as multiplying by $\dfrac{3}{4}$ and then dividing by $\dfrac{3}{5}$?

$\text{(A)}\ \text{dividing by }\dfrac{4}{3} \qquad \text{(B)}\ \text{dividing by }\dfrac{9}{20} \qquad \text{(C)}\ \text{multiplying by }\dfrac{9}{20} \qquad \text{(D)}\ \text{dividing by }\dfrac{5}{4} \qquad \text{(E)}\ \text{multiplying by }\dfrac{5}{4}$

Problem 4

A teacher tells the class,

"Think of a number, add 1 to it, and double the result. Give the answer to your partner. Partner, subtract 1 from the number you are given and double the result to get your answer."

Ben thinks of $6$, and gives his answer to Sue. What should Sue's answer be?

$\text{(A)}\ 18 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 24 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 26 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 27 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 30$

Problem 5

Find the smallest whole number that is larger than the sum


$\text{(A)}\ 14 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 15 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 16 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 17 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 18$

Problem 6

Figures $I$$II$, and $III$ are squares. The perimeter of $I$ is $12$ and the perimeter of $II$ is $24$. The perimeter of $III$ is

[asy] draw((0,0)--(15,0)--(15,6)--(12,6)--(12,9)--(0,9)--cycle); draw((9,0)--(9,9)); draw((9,6)--(12,6)); label("$III$",(4.5,4),N); label("$II$",(12,2.5),N); label("$I$",(10.5,6.75),N); [/asy]

$\text{(A)}\ 9 \qquad \text{(B)}\ 18 \qquad \text{(C)}\ 36 \qquad \text{(D)}\ 72 \qquad \text{(E)}\ 81$

Problem 7

At Clover View Junior High, one half of the students go home on the school bus. One fourth go home by automobile. One tenth go home on their bicycles. The rest walk home. What fractional part of the students walk home?

$\text{(A)}\ \dfrac{1}{16} \qquad \text{(B)}\ \dfrac{3}{20} \qquad \text{(C)}\ \dfrac{1}{3} \qquad \text{(D)}\ \dfrac{17}{20} \qquad \text{(E)}\ \dfrac{9}{10}$


