2012年AMC 8 真题及答案

2012年AMC 8 真题:

Problem 1

Rachelle uses $3$ pounds of meat to make $8$ hamburgers for her family. How many pounds of meat does she need to make $24$ hamburgers for a neighborhood picnic?


Problem 2

In the country of East Westmore, statisticians estimate there is a baby born every $8$ hours and a death every day. To the nearest hundred, how many people are added to the population of East Westmore each year?


Problem 3

On February 13 $\emph{The Oshkosh Northwester}$ listed the length of daylight as 10 hours and 24 minutes, the sunrise was $6:57\textsc{am}$, and the sunset as $8:15\textsc{pm}$. The length of daylight and sunrise were correct, but the sunset was wrong. When did the sun really set?


Problem 4

Peter's family ordered a 12-slice pizza for dinner. Peter ate one slice and shared another slice equally with his brother Paul. What fraction of the pizza did Peter eat?


Problem 5

In the diagram, all angles are right angles and the lengths of the sides are given in centimeters. Note the diagram is not drawn to scale. What is the length in $X$, in centimeters?

[asy] pair A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R; A=(4,0); B=(7,0); C=(7,4); D=(8,4); E=(8,5); F=(10,5); G=(10,7); H=(7,7); I=(7,8); J=(5,8); K=(5,7); L=(4,7); M=(4,6); N=(0,6); O=(0,5); P=(2,5); Q=(2,3); R=(4,3); draw(A--B--C--D--E--F--G--H--I--J--K--L--M--N--O--P--Q--R--cycle); label("$X$",(3.4,1.5)); label("6",(7.6,1.5)); label("1",(7.6,3.5)); label("1",(8.4,4.6)); label("2",(9.4,4.6)); label("2",(10.4,6)); label("3",(8.4,7.4)); label("1",(7.5,7.8)); label("2",(6,8.5)); label("1",(4.7,7.8)); label("1",(4.3,7.5)); label("1",(3.5,6.5)); label("4",(1.8,6.5)); label("1",(-0.5,5.5)); label("2",(0.8,4.5)); label("2",(1.5,3.8)); label("2",(2.8,2.6));[/asy]


Problem 6

A rectangular photograph is placed in a frame that forms a border two inches wide on all sides of the photograph. The photograph measures 8 inches high and 10 inches wide. What is the area of the border, in square inches?



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